Today was much shorter in terms of miles, but we had the usual stress of getting through a major city at rush hour. Other than one bike getting dropped - while stopped on the on the interstate no less, there were no incidents. We got into the Holiday Inn Hurstborne, and after getting settled into our rooms, set about making the preparations for the 2nd annual pool party. This year, we had a tremendous amount of help and support. Bob Couch brought his sound system and DJ'ed for us, and the staff of the Holiday Inn was great, especially Ron the maintenance guy. (He can also sing karaoke pretty well.) Bob always closes the night with the playing of taps and then Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA", and everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. Not a dry eye in the house.
Starting out in the rain...


Looking back along the road somewhere in KY...

At a gas stop...

The parking lot at post 201 in Louisville - with 251 bikes...

Group J - Dennis McDonough from Mulvane was Road Captain, T from Wichita was ARC, and yours truly was the Tailgunner.

Here is the Kansas delegation presenting over $46,000 to National Commander Rehbein.

Sooner or later, you've gotta do some laundry...

Back to the hotel to host the Kansas party...

Even Elvis showed up!

A good time was had by all. Tomorrow night I'll post more pics from the ALR meeting on Saturday, Sunday's parade and our visit to the last operational WWII LST.
1 comment:
We just cannot say enough about the crew from Kansas...ya'll are awesome!! We've got lots of pics on my Facebook profile if you're interested. Keep in touch!
Bad Bob & Cindi Couch
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